Four states have banned smiling at the DMV when they are taking your license photo. I'm sure most of you have been to the DMV. Not much smiling going on anyway. In fact, it is usually a pretty grim experience. A world of chaos and dismay. It ranks up there on a person's "things I don't want to do list" along with 'go to the dentist' and 'paint the garage.' There is no smiling. The 3 facial expressions at the DMV are as follows: Worry, irate and confused. Which one are you? First worry. People are worried they will either have to pay money they don't have, or are afraid they will get caught for something else while they are there. Like unpaid tickets, driving (to the DMV) while suspended or some other, more serious offense. Like a serial killer who needs to take the driving test again, but hopes you don't ask him to pop the trunk.
Then there is the irate. This person feels the world is out to get him and he shouldn't have to be there. They're conversations usually start with "You guys made a mistake" and always end with "I want to speak to your supervisor." Sometimes they throw in the, "I make 3 times the money you make. I'll have your job!" What ever that means.
Then there is the confused. They are the ones who wait 30 minutes in the wrong line, fill out the wrong form and then get in another wrong line and blame the DMV employee. "But, they told me to fill out this form and stand in this line!"
But the DMV are not the squeaky-clean, make no mistake organization they claim to be, sometimes. Just ask Randall Clifton Kling of Orange Co., CA. He fooled the DMV 83 times and created as many aliases and easily collected many, many driver's licenses. In fact, there are over 100,000 cases each year of fraudulent licenses issued by the DMV, which ignite many other criminal acts ranging from fake IDs sold to minors, illegal immigrants having licenses, to a stream of other identity theft crimes. Some of these crimes are due to shifty DMV employees themselves. So next time your at the DMV being told not to smile. Give them a little smile, and a wink too. Just your way of letting them know that you know what's up. Oh, and tell them pistachio sent you. That gets them thinking every time and adds a new facial expression for the DMV...coy~~ Pis out.