Well, we've been through my pet peeves. Let's discuss things I can live without:
1. Blue Tooth technology: Back in the old days, when a person was standing on the corner by themselves talking, they were labeled "crazy." Now, they might be talking to their stock broker about whether they should sell the vested stock they have in Pez dispensers. I don't know, I think it's annoying. Have you ever rode the elevator with someone using Blue Tooth and you don't realize it until you see the gadget hanging from their ear like some Star Trek Cyborg? All you hear is, "I love you too honey," and you turn around and say "huh?" and then you look like the fool. As far as I'm concerned, no one needs to be connected all the time and Blue Tooth people are just trying to draw attention to themselves because they were probably latch key kids growing up. I'm just saying...
2. Teens with their underwear hanging out of their pants: This fad (I thought) started in Rap Music as some sort of tribute to all the homies locked up in the pokies. Because prisoners aren't allowed to wear belts and their pants are always falling down. As far as I'm concerned, this fashion can stay in jail. How? Make it illegal. Some cities are doing it all ready. Or if that is too harsh of a solution, then the other alternative is that everybody do it. If everyone does it, then it won't be cool anymore. Imagine all the business men walking the streets with their pants low under their tighty whities or grandma going to the supermarket with her granny panties hanging out! Finish it off by adding a sideways White Sox cap. Yo Yo!
3. My child is an honor student bumper stickers: Who gives a crap? What do you want me to do? Should I beep my horn to honor little Johnny cause he passed the 3rd grade with honors? He got all the gold stars on his test papers? Yep, you know the ones hanging on the fridge. Give me a break! Here is a note to all the parents out there: When your kid cures cancer or global warming or figures out a way to feed the world, then I will put a bumper sticker on my car too. I would love to see a sticker that says, "My kid cheated off of your kid and got honors too."
4. Slow songs from Green Day: This may not fit with the others, but I heard the song "21 Guns" today and enough is enough. First of all it's bad enough you're a punk band with a lead singer named Billy Jo Amrstrong. What ever happen to the good old days when punk rockers were named Sid Vicious, Johnny Rotten and Richard Hell. Secondly, you wouldn't catch any of those bands like the Sex Pistols and the Ramones sing a ballad. Now don't get me wrong...Green Day can rock and my point is that's what they should be doing. Change your name to Billy Jo Murder or Billy Jo Slitthroat and leave the ballads to Death Cab For Cutie, who by the way has more of a punk sounding name than Green Day.
That's it for now. Hey, I didn't even mention pistachios in this blog. Oh, I just did. Pis out.
I used to love Green Day until I became a Mom and now all I listen to is Sesame Street songs. HELP! Thanks for introducing me to a lovely ballad to relax me at the end of my day. I watched the video, too. That's more than I've done for 2 years. : )
ReplyDeletesell out!