I was listening to the radio the other day when a song from a band called Men Without Pants came on. I snickered at first, but found after time that the tune was actually pretty catchy. i judged too soon. A singer named Robby Takac (which is a funny name in itself) was asked what, if any, regrets he had. He responded, "Had I known the band was going to be so popular, I would have never named it The Goo Goo Dolls." But, what is it about a name?Does it really matter? Celebaholics, start drooling in anticipation for what Angelina and Brad were going to name their kid...Zahara I think. Sounds like a desert or a casino. David Bowie named his son Zowie. Yes, his son. I wouldn't be talking to dad if my name was Zowie Bowie. He changed his name to Duncan Jones. Then there Frank Zappa's offspring, Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Emuukha Rodan and Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen. I can't make this stuff up folks. If I could, I would be writing the next Seth Rogen film and not writing a blog named after a nut. Prince changed his name to a symbol to piss off his record producers. Genius! Now he changed it back. He is the man formerly known as the man formerly know as Prince...I think. I like my name, but I wouldn't mind changing it for a week to see how it goes. One name I like is a pitcher for the Dodgers, Clayton Kershaw. Hi ladies, I'm Clayton Kershaw. I'll be right back, I left my mint floss in my Porsche next to my Grammy. Only floss the ones you want to keep...hee...hee. On the flip side, we have players named Milton Bradley and Coco Crisp. I am cereal...uh, I mean serious.
Did you hear about the couple who named their kids Adolf Hitler, Joyce Lynn Aryan Nation and Honslynn Hinler Jeannie. Nice! And they see nothing wrong with this. "It's just a name," They said. Is it? Are we really too hung up on names? Some less abrasive, but true names include: Al K. Seltzer, Ferris Wheeler, Ivan Oder and Ray Gunn. Can't leave out the Docs: Dr. Slaughter, Dr. Hurt, a chiropractor named Dr. Bender and Dr. Dick Finder...yep, you guessed it, a urologist.
Didn't find anyone named Pistachio though. If I have a kid though...Pis out.
Al K. Seltzer, really??